After my last trip to Ah Fatt, all my fav shrimp hunters all gone. On the way back, I did get some replacement at Permas. Over there, selling much cheaper than in Singapore, which at some places, would cost a whopping $18. There, only RM20. I also got a Yamashita to try. Though not as pretty as the shrimp hunters, I had heard good reviews about its effectiveness.
Yesterday, went down to Beach Road to get some more for $12.50 each. This time, went for the size 4 ones. Also, as Hock Ann was opened, popped in to top up my pin minnows. This pin minnow, was fast becoming my favourite lure. Thanks to recommendation from Eric.
Shrimp Hunters, Yozuri Q and 1 Yamashita


Pin Minnows, 70mm

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