There was a meetup at CV, and it was a good time to go back to Secret Place for some recce. The last time, the way via the normal entrance to the sea was blocked. I wanted to see if it was reopened again after all these months.
The road in seemed better now, as the contruction was nearing its end. There was a possible route to the sea, but I could only stop the car a distance away and trekked a little to get to the water.
The beach here was nice and relatively clean. However, while I was setting up, I was attacked by sand flies. A and D got it too. The bites were terrible. I had got more than 10 bites on both my legs and 1 on my arm. D got about 5, and A also about 5. Got to be more alert about them next time. We were like, "oh, sand flies..." and had still hung around the area. :(
I spent about 1 hour luring with my Crystal Minnow, but it was largely fruitless. My rod was only a 6 footer, and I couldn't cast too far. Use the cow strength a bit more, I would get birdnest on my rod. It happened 2 or 3 times, and I had to waste time untangling the mess.
I spied a small fish scattering away, and that brought my hopes up a little. During the hour session, there was a definite bite. Unfortunately, it didn't connect. In my haste to cast again, I hit out a little too hard, and ended with a "5 minute to untangle" birdnest. After that, nothing much except for algae and seaweed.
As I was going off, a group of malays came in with long rods. I suppose they were planning to camp the night here. It was already 6+pm. Seeing my time was up, I packed to go.
Girl with coconut sapling
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