Good old humbug was wasted spectaculary this morning with a sudden strike this morning at LSR. I just reached the place, and Andrew and Elyn joined me shortly after. I got a call from them, wanting to join me at a Park to bring Pynn Pynn for a stroll. After setting up my trusty Yellow humbug, cast, cast, cast. And on the third cast, retrieved back till 10 metres from the bank, a "smallie/biggie?" came out of nowhere, took a hit, made a noisy splash, and took off with my humbug. My leader broke and lure went heaven and was never seen again. Argh! But I was careless and to be blamed as I was using quite a thin leader (4lbs), and realized that I had forgotten to loosen my drag.
But that morning, the action was good. Water was quite clear and still. From the bank, we could see a few PB "sniffing" and following the lure. A and E went quite surprised too. But after that incident, I switched to a white Middive. But it might have been the wrong color for that moment, caused after that, all quieten down. I let Andrew had a go, but his didn't quite have any peace as PP started wailing and crying.
Rod came back to me. I did a switcheroo to the Gold X-rap. This lure was meant for Sebarau, but nevertheless, gave it a shot. Cast for about 20 mins, nothing. But all of a sudden, a good take, and rod connected and a fish was at the other end of the line. But from the feel, not that big. Fish surfaced in a while, and it was another PB. Kind of smaller than last week's one, but still a good take. At least it proved that this Gold lure was quite effective.
We took some pics, PP with it as well and released the fellow unharmed. A was quite expert in handling the fish, and released it quite professionally. For me, I would have just tossed the fellow in. :P Search for bigger PB to be continued. Hoping to get a 2kg one this year :))
New sign advising the public not to release animals into the reservoir
BREAKING NEWS: - Man drown in LSR in Kayaking incident. No wonder on the way back, saw policemen running about. :o
Scene of LSR around that time
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