It had been awhile fishing here. In fact, the last time I was here, I was using a handline and a small float with a single hook and some prawn meat. That time, blur blur didn't know what a lure is. Today, all trained and equipped with the right equipment. I thot to try out if this place could yield anything.
This area, was the smallest fishing area of all the reservoir . it was just about a 100 metres stretch. What was worst was that just right in front of the fishing area, were hordes of people kayaking. Looking straight out, tens of balloon floats were spread across the reservoir. I had no choice but to cast away from the legal area.
But weather was nice, and the water was kind of murky. I wasn't expecting to hit any fish as from observation, this was certainly a bad spot. The noise and human activity would chase away all fishes. So, I was just doing some luring exercise. But the fishing got serious when I saw a 3 foot haruan came up for air just 10 metres from me. Immediately, I tossed my middive in that direction. But tried as I might, nothing. I changed to a pink Gulp! and still nothing. So, came 5pm, I packed and went home with a zero. My first catch here would have to be another day.
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