The last week weed clearing seemed to have made the place quite littered with floating weeds. Casting out my lure, 7 out of 10 times, I would be hauling back the lure entrapped with weeds. This would have minimised the chance as the lure would lose all action after stumbling on to weeds. So, whole morning, cast and cast, but nothing positive. However, I spied 2 times small PB following my lure, and once, a quite a big PB checking out the lure. In my haste to re-cast, I had gotten char bee hoon a few times. Must really remind myself not to be too kan cheong. Quite sickening to miss the chance due to bird nest.
A and D arrived at the park with their packed lunch. Around 12+pm, I walked back to where they were sitting and almost wanted to pack. But seeing that A was doing her cross-stitch, D was reading her comic, I carried on for another 15 mins or so at the new spot.
I tried to vary my speed. Seemed that when I retrieved fast, the lure would be running quite fast for any fish to catch it. I slowed it a little and adjusted until the action was quite ok. But somehow, today, the lure didn't seem good. It might be due to the dead knot that I used to tie it to the leader.
Just as I was quite disheartened at the prospect of going back with zero again, my line suddenly connected with a small PB. It struggled a little and made a jump. Line got slackened and I lost it! Argh....but that somehow encouraged me. I thought now that the trick was not to retrieve too fast. Make the lure more natural. So out the lure go and cast and cast....Just as I was like down to my last few attempts....I felt a strong take. But I wasn't too sure at that time. It might be another clumps of weeds. But on my retrieve, there was a postive reaction and the line spooled out a little for a couple of seconds. Wow, fish on! I tightened the drag and managed to lift up a wiry thrashing PB. Composing myself, I carefully got hold of the line and swung it up on the land. With a dull thud, the fish was landed. And what a beauty. This is the biggest PB to date that I have gotten. *big smile*.
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