Yesterday, I had gone to the secret spot to try some fishing again. However, tide was low and fishing with live prawns didn't seem to work. Water was very choppy and full of algae. Pulled up the line, and it would be all choked with Algae. After a while, I gave up. It had not been very good experience fishing here, having tried this place like for 3 times.

Today, Andrew wanted to see the secret spot but he could only make it in the afternoon around 4.30pm. I had actually fished a little at Bottle Tree (high tide but stinky water), and then a little more at Tanah Merah Canel (Low tide, no fish). At 4.30pm, low tide again at that time, but anyway, just to bring him for a look see. Thinking that thte canel was no good, I brought him to the other place nearer from the entrance. I had gotten 200 gms of live prawns. But unfortunately, I had forgotten my pump. Prawns all died in a short while and we had to put it into the icebox to use it as dead prawn meat. Since tide was low, the whole water breaker was exposed. We had to walk down the slope, get on the water breaker and cast from there. Quite slippery and dangerous. What's worse was that the place was very sangkokey. Cast, sink, sangkok. I lost 2 rigs on my surfleader. A and E too. After a while, we decided that that place was quite impossible. I brought them then to the canel area. Surprisely, it looked quite like a good spot to them. A and E rigged up and cast. The moment A casted, less than 5 seconds, he pulled up something, a wrasse. I was like shocked beyond belief. Wow, these guys could really work magic. So, the whole session was quite interesting in fact, and I myself did get some fishes (catfishes again, and 1 miserable Pasir pasir). Andrew and Elyn got quite a few good fishes, like a nice 500g ACK, a baby KBL, a spangled emperor, some pasir pasir, a warby (what was that? Need to check. [edit: Wua Bee = silver biddy. Got before :)]), a wrasse. I was totally impressed. I asked A to pass me his own rig to try out. (got the Pasir pasir). There was something in the way that the rig was crafted. And oh, yeah, peel off the prawn shell! A lesson learnt.
We stayed till around 7.30pm and by then, it was really dark. I turned on the car to get the lights. But rigging and casting was quite difficult. We decided to pack up and go for dinner. I was quite worried that the gate would be closed, but my fears were unfounded. The gate was just as wide open and we moved out of the place without any incident.
A very interesting day. My best today only a small Pasir pasir, but better than nothing. Seemed that I had a long way to go in my fishing quest.
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