TC asked to fish at the Yacht club since he was a member there. I came a little early after getting bait from CV, but I encountered a flat tyre when car was parked there. So, I had a crash course on how to change tyres and did it quite quickly. Luckily, spare tyre held up quite well and I could continue with the fishing.

TC came as I was changing tyres. When I was done, we went inside. Finally got chance to fish inside rather than outside. But to our surprise, the jetty was packed with people fishing. In fact, I think worse than Bedok jetty. We were all standing just a few metres away from each other. Hm...I thot this place was quite exclusive. Later on, someone on my right did a bad cast and crossed all the lines.

I was a little lucky and managed to get a strike on my light tackle. But I lost it the first time. I got a 2nd chance and this time, it felt strong and bigger. But to my disappointment, a Duri. But quite a good size..I think got 500g. Someone on my left had catch a duri earlier on. Later on the night, my rod did a dip and TC quickly grabbed it and passed it to me. It felt like a big fish. But as I was fighting, I thought it went under the jetty. After that, the line was rubbing against something and to my dismay, the 20 lb leader snapped, hooks and all. What a waste...but it might just have been another Duri.
Around 9pm, we packed as the night was not very promising. TC was impatient and didn't like the waiting kind of fishing. We later found out that the tide was actually coming up. No wonder no fish. Maybe we should have waited a little longer.
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