I was pretty undecided where to head for today but I had to run down to the east to sell some stuff. Since already there, I ran through all the places mentally and realized that I had yet to try out Changi Naval Base. I had tried to locate the area previously but was quite unsuccessful. But from some descriptions from the forum, I now had some inkling where it might be.

Around 4+pm, I headed there and was quite lucky to be spot on the area. The place looked quite promising. Since it was a little overcast today, the weather was nicely cool and breezy. Wind was quite strong and the water was choppy. But the place looked clean enough and best of all, there were lots of space. I setup my things near the seawall and dropped 3 lines for 2 apollos and 1 light tackle. I had forgotten to bring my rod holder, but A made a make shift one which was quite usable. I also got bitten by sand flies and I quickly sprayed some OFF. After that, it was quite ok and never bothered me from then on.

Dinner was to be the stingray that we had gotten last night. Pretty delicious.
But it was clear that the fishes were not biting today. Anyway, tide was on the way down, so that might be a good reason. Even my light tackle wasn't registering any hits. TC called me around 5+pm and I asked him to come join me.

TC came and after some time and stayed for awhile. During that time, I managed a lucky strike on a small fish. (cardinal). I tried to release it but unfortunately, my hands slipped on the slimy body and I ended up throwing the fish onto the rocks. Haz, sure to die. After that, we left for Changi V for his dinner and for myself to stock up on more baits. (in case the fishes started to bite). A and D would remain to guard the fort. While we were there, A informed that the big rod got a fish, as well the neighbouring group. When we returned, I saw that it was quite a good size Emperor. From their descriptions, the other group should have gotten an ACK (snapper).

That seemed to liven things up a little and my hopes were quite high. But throughout the evening, nothing at all. Another group came and setup on my left and it was starting to get a little crampy. TC left around 10+pm. The place was getting quite dark and not so fising friendly after the club beside us turned off the lights. I decided to call it a day, and started to pack and make our way home.
Not too bad for a first time try there. At least we didn't return empty handed.

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