And I didn't manage to pull it up as the hooks were snagged on the rocks. They were about 10 inch in length and all 3 of them weigh quite a bit as my rod was bending over. Anyway, 2 of the cats dropped out leaving only 1 on the snagged line. Tried as I might, in the end, I had to break the line. Not too keen on catfish anyway.
Went to changi ferry point terminal as I had a chat session that ended about 5+pm. This place will be just nice for dinner and some fishing. As I was setting up, an uncle and his wife came around and sat next to my chair. He started making small talk about if there were any fishes etc. At first, I thot that he didn't know about fishing, but realized later that he was an expert. He offered to help me re- rig my line to target for KBL. Fantastic, I had often wondered what was the correct way. As we were chatting, I didn't realize that my light tackle was already hooking up 3 catfish (gemang, he called it). Hmm, I thot they were Duri..quite confused about the proper terms for the different kind of catfishes. Anyway, his advice was not to play with small hooks here as it would get snag easily. The tide was a little low and the rocks were exposed. I heeded his advice and concentrate on the floating rig that he made for me. Later found out that he was in the police force, but had since retired. He had a boat before, but now spent his time doing pond fishing. Been fishing since 10. :O...He shared some pointers, and after a while, he said goodbye and went about his way. Very nice man, decent of him to share with me his secrets. Forever grateful.

I stayed with a single rod for the next 2 hours or so, but it got dark and started to rain. Kind of miserable, waiting in the rain. No bites at all from then on. I rigged up the light tackle hoping not to go home empty. But to my great surprise, totally no bites at all. I tried dead prawn meat (fresh), and worms but nothing whatsoever. Might have been the weather. Around 10pm, I got tired and discouraged and packed to go home.
At least there was the story about the 3 cats to tell. But didn't have the chance to take any pics.
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