After D's swimming lesson, I headed for the place around Potong Pasir. There wasn't anyone fishing at first, but later on, there came a lone guy trying under the bridge. But shortly after I rigged up, the weather turn quite a sudden turn and it started pouring. By that time, I had already rigged up my light tackle with sabiki hooks and placed it on the railings before dashing for shelter. The rain lasted about half and hour, but when I checked on the line, totally no bites at all. All the baits were still intact when I reeled in. Haz, not a good place. The water was also quite dirty as expected. Lots of floating rubbish around. I tried a bit more and gave up and decided to move somewhere else.

On the way, I thought why not try out the Punggol 17 area. The first time I was there, I was just beside the marina. From a distance, I could see many cars parked near to the sea. I didn't know how they managed to drive into the closed up area. While driving there, I noticed an opening and decided to give it a try. True enough, it turned out to be the correct way in. And along the sea wall, there were many many cars parked there, with people fishing. Interesting. I found an opening beside a family "playing" fishing and rigged up. A built some kind of make shift shelter and it was a pretty good shade.

The place was quite nice and the weather was nicely cool, though it looked like rain anytime. An hour into the fishing, I was still getting nothing. Feeling a little disappointed, I decided to cast nearer to the seawall. Well, with a little stroke of luck, I hooked up two fishes on my light tackle that I have not gotten before. [Aftenote: Fowleria Polystigma and Twostripe Cardinal] Pretty relieved that my series of bad fishing had come to an end. I released the fishes after some photos and rebaited the line. And not too long later, another strike. This time, 3 glass fish in a row. :). D got all excited and wanted to eat the fishes, and wouldn't allow me to release it. Oh well.

Suddenly, the place started to rain. And pretty heavy too. But the good thing was that the car was just beside us. So, it was easy to get in for shelter. I left the rods there and I could monitor it from the car. From the car, I noticed my Rapala twitching and I ran out to strike. I was quite lucky and I hooked up a stargazer. But it was a poisonous fish (I think) and I released it. Someone further down and gotten it earlier on and D and I went to look at it. It was also around there, that I stepped on some hooks that someone discarded. Luckily, I didn't step too hard and the hooks didn't penetrate my thick sole. And not just 1 foot, but both of my feet got hooked. Haz, very inconsiderate fishing people.

The rain was quite relentless and I decided to call it a day. But not bad for the fishing today. 3 new fishes within a day. :D
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