Today, back to admiralty west again which was just behind my house. Tide was to be around 8, so some where near will be good. Friday evenings would be the best for fishing as there wouldn't be any crowd. I picked up some baits on the way home. Saw this "wat wat" worms in a plastic container. I had yet to try it out and today looked like a good time. They were quite expensive, a container for $3.50. But there seemed to be more than the $2 per pack sarong worms that I usually use. The worms were fat and juicy, and I was sure that they would appeal to fishes very much.
I parked myself nearer to the jetty this time, but about a 100 metres away. I wanted to try out the spot here to see if it would be better. As usual, I rigged up my light tackle and my loomis. Today, trying out running rig with a size 1 hook. This time round, I used a longer leader (about 1.5 metres). I had some dead fish bait too and I intended to use it with my big rod. But the fish was quite soft and I couldn't cast it far without it flying off the hook. In the end, I hooked the fish, go thru and thread it around the fish and finally end with the hook at the tail. Kinda of like sewing it on the fish. It worked to let me cast further...but I didn't have luck to catch anything. I also used the fat worms on the size 1 hooks. There were a few bites (bells ringing) but unfortunately, no catch.
My light tackle wasn't performing quite well either. I could see lots of fishes jumping in the water...but the light tackle didn't catch anything at the start. But later on, when the tide was going down, I finally caught a glass fish (again!) and then followed by 3 catfishes (2 quite decent size...about 10 inch) and finally another glass fish. This place seems to be plenty of these. I am begining to give up on this place (+ bottle tree). It would be just catfishes and more catfishes with those irritating glass fishes.
I fished till around 10pm and decided to call it a day. Would be having a tough day tomorrow to finish my other assignment and then I could go fishing again.
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