I was really happy that ST and TK could join me this round, as it had been a while since we had any gathering as friends and as families. There would be few people that you could claim that you have known for decades. But they were just that, and were part of my growing up, my working life and my life history. Therefore, this outing was very special one, at least to me.
The plan was to start early, but ST was a little late. With some hassle of filling up the white cards for the custom, the entire group finally get together wtih IZ's group at carrefour Macdonalds around 7.30am. I limited the time for a leisurely breakfast as we had to be on the move as the drive would take about 2 hours.
Famous Nimo from the forum
However, timing was just nice due to Ah ngan boat only arriving around 10.30am. We touched down on the Kelong floor around 11am. Reaching there, I immediately recognised Nimo from the forum and went over to say hi. And true to his reputation for getting todaks, he just landed a good size todak when I went over to say hello. With him was his son, the famed todak killer little boy and his bunch of hard core kelong friends. However for some reasons, I hardly bump into him in the kelong during the stay and quite wondered what he was experimenting with this time round.
I had read his article on Orkar fishing and wanted to try it out. However when I asked him, he said "no orkar" today, and I gave up trying. Since the expert has spoken, no point in trying to challenge it.
The fishing in the Kelong was quickly evident that it wasn't going to be that good. I was trying to demonstrate how to jig to the bunch of newbies, and couldn't even hit one tiny tamban with 2 tries. In fact for the whole trip, no tambans at all. I left it at that and let the newbies discovered for themselves on how to fish. Even the ever obliging todaks were quite sparse and not visible around the Kelong. Water visibility was quite poor, and not much of a current.
However, weather on the whole was rather good, with only the early part of the afternoon being a little hot. There was a short light platter of rain, but it cleared up very quickly but helped to cool down the weather. Seeing that the fishing wasn't good on plain old tamban jigs, I instructed my fellow trainees to cut sotong to bait the hooks.
The general catches were mainly Yellow fish (Indian Snapper), Kunings and Kekek (Pony fish). From these, Eric and gang who previously had great success with todak, starting throwing them out as live bait on floats. But action wasn't too great, and they were missing the occasional hookups as they flip flop over the sea and did their signature hook throwing jumps.
First good catch by Lijuan
Proof that sotong eats fish
What !#$% happened to my fish?
This is how to get a todak
ST family with demo todak
I decided to boost the group confidence and toss out a todak rig. One good fellow took my bait and with a little luck, I managed to subdue it and brought it over to the Kelong floor. Everyone was excited with the catch since they were like seeing todaks for the first time. Todak fever started all over again.
IZ spoil market, and caught one bigger than mine! measured 1.3 kg
Zunyou doing weight lifting
Vera and mummy with spoil market todak
Funny, looked so small together with Lijuan !?
Ting ting with the biggest fish she ever held
Later I go restart server to catch one
My biggest fish wor!
IZ is our friend
This is a stupid todak. Never buy insurance
IZ went on to break my record catch and hauled up a good size todak of around 1.3 kg. It was a impressive specimen and one of the biggest catch for the trip.
ST stopped messing with sotong baits and setup for todak to give it a try. Some misses later, he found it to be exciting and tried all late afternoon but with no result. However, the experience was enough for him to keep trying.
Two sea monkey, jumping on the bed
Where the fish?
After dinner, I started seeing people getting Parangs and confirmed that Parangs are still plentiful today. The other group where Jon was with are all experts fisherman. I think for the trip, they got more than 10 Parangs and countless todaks altogether. IZ got a very good catch of Parang on live bait drifting. To his credit, he observed how the others were doing it and copied it with great success.
Zunyou with my demo parang on SS minnow
Iz's catch on live bait drifting
We never play cheat and use plastic fish
My catch on gold pin minnow
Night came and I decided to demonstrate to ST on how to do lure fishing. With my trusty SS Minnow, the lumi one, I tossed it out to show how it was done. Third throw only, and wham! fish on. it was a good hookup, and despite the jumping protests, I managed to lead the parang under the kelong and with one swing, got the fellow on the wooden floor. ST was of course impressed seeing how "plastics" could get something like the thrashing thing on the floor. To give him a head start, I passed him the proven lure and setup a luring rig for him.
TK caught the action too, and I too gave out to him a pin minnow lure. I also gave ZW a L-minnow to try out. With that, I had recruited a new batch of lurers and dispatched them to practise their newly acquired skill on the dark open sea.
ST first lure fishing catch. This lure very good
ST and family with soon to be fish ball parang
ST 2nd smaller parang
Certified lure fisherman
I was luring with ST most of the time, when he suddenly got a good take. With some coaching, he successfully brought the Parang on the Kelong floor. It was finally sweet success and he was grinning from ear to ear. The entire family came out to share the glory and it was rounds and rounds of picture taking. From there on, he was a certified lurer.
I told the group to sleep around 12am so that they could wake up around 4.30am to start fishing. However, there was a good number of people having the same idea. But the fishes were there, and the other group got a good number of around 13 parangs all laid on the floor. ST went around on his own and managed to get 2 more Parangs all on his own. It was quite an achievement.
Best view in the morning
I got one last catch of Parang just before the sky lighted up. I noticed they were suddenly more active as if to catch the last meal before retiring for the day. The last one was a strong fellow and was able to spool out my lines. Bringing it under the Kelong, just as I was lifting it up, the lure and Parang disconnected and there went a prize catch. But it was a good fight.:)
I taking a break from PSP
My todak, hehehe (the mad fisherman)
See. I also know how to catch fish
Restarted server already
Pose pose like safari hunter
Interesting catch of a "slipper" fish
Finally got you
Quick take the picture. Very heavy
United Colors of Benetton
PSP more fun than fishing
Morning came, and Parangs all disappeared. Luring ceased to be effective. It was back to todak fishing. ST got a take, but due to line entanglement, it got away again. For this trip, he didn't manage to land one. TK however got lucky and finally successfully landed a todak. It was certainly a good achievement, and an upgrade from the last trip where he was just getting tiny ones. It was rounds of photo and a job well done.
Zhao Wei also got lucky and managed 2 todaks in a row. Todaks were certainly helping our newbies to have a good time.
Lai lai, buy 2 get 1 free
Kuning wave is in
How come no escalator?
We will be back
The sun came out and it soon get too hot to be fishing. Around 11am, we started packing and cleaning up our stuff. After a good lunch, we headed back to the Jetty. For this trip, the return was quite late, and we set off from the Jetty at around 2.45pm. From there, a quick drive to Permas Jusco for dinner and quick shopping and then to the custom to brave the jam. The traffic was quite bad, and the jam started from a long way. But the drive over was about 45 minutes, considered not too bad.
I think everyone did enjoy the trip, and would most certainly come again. And this was despite the relatively poor bait fishing this time. Thanks to todaks and parangs, they helped to give us some actions to remember, for life.
sure, a great trip for me. looking for cooking recipe for the Todak? otherwise just fry everything. anyway the fry small little yellow fish taste good. whats the name of the small yellow fish? Indian Snapper?
hi, enjoyed your post. Certainly was a good trip for us. TK complained your camera adds 10 pounds on him :-)
btw, like to share a todak otah recipe:
Hi, very interested in going to Ah Ngan Kelong. May I know if you call the kelong directly to book or is there a Spore no. that I call? Congrats on your catches. Kindly email me at keisaryan@gmail.com. Thanks.
hi nice fish there i like fishing alot, i caught todak b4 quite big but many were lost b4,i wet to ah fatt kelong instead . just below tg.leman at pulau sibu
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