This trip, I brought along TK, a long time friend. He and family met up with me at the ungodly hour at 6.30am and we made our way up north to Leman. Passing custom was a breeze and we reached Tg Leman at a good time of 8:50am. Eric almost couldn't make it for the trip as he couldn't get the van transportation. But around 10pm, a good news SMS informed me that he finally got a contact, and would be on the way.
"Young man, let me tell you about the ones that got away..." Edwin thinking, "here he goes again..."

The power of marketing

Prison break. "Let me in! Let me in!"

Why you taking picture of me eating my burger? I break your neck then you know.

This girl is a rock collector. R O C K rock!

Arriving at the Jetty, we settled down to have a spot of breakfast. Unknowingly, the boat for the Ah Yew left and left us without informing. Anyway, Eric group came a little later. But then for some unspoken reason, no one was boarding the ferry. We waited till about 10am, and we felt something amissed. We were later to find out that the maritime police were disallowing any ferry to leave without the proper licence and safety procedures. The stringent check was due to the a recent incident with the ferry to Tioman where 7 people died due to a fire on the boat.
All thinking the same thot...."Stupid maritime police."

So none of the boatman dared to proceed to ferry the fare to the kelong for fear of being fined. Alas, we were told to wait, until we were informed later that the trip could only proceed at 2.30pm. The Kelong staff later got around this by getting a speedboat with lifejackets to transport us over. But speedboat, although fast, was quite a rough ride with periodic waves of saltwater splashing onto us. TK and I were drenched to the skin as we were seated in front. Later on the way back, I was again drenched even though I was seated at the back. *grumble*.
Yay, finally we are inside the Jetty. The air so fresh here

The speed-boat, before the speeding

Like taking some roller coaster ride in the theme park. So exciting

The trip therefore started rather badly and we had to waste some precious hours sitting at the jetty with nothing to do except to eat an eat and to play scrabble. Reaching the kelong, it was quite relief to finally make it there. The Kelong manageress assigned the beds behind the TV to our group. Although the noise from the TV was quite a nuisance, I thought it was quite alright given that we would be away from the main crowd of smokers.
However, one thing that was going for us was the weather. Throughout the 2 days, weather was nice and breezy. No hot sun whatsoever. It must be one of the few times that I came back without looking redder from UV overdose.
My first fish!

Double hookup of Emperor

So heavy you know? My arm going to break..

So crowded fishing

The first thing to get to was of cos fishing. I assigned TK, PK each a rod, as well as the short one for Vera, their daughter. Using tamban jig without bait, we jigged a little, BUT nothing was biting. At that time, there were hardly any tambans. We changed tactics and I told them to bait it with sotong strips. And soon, they were catching their first fishes, and posing for photos with their catches. Even Vera was doing well and did managed to catch some fishes. She seemed to enjoy the process very much and fished more than the other children who were more concerned with making a monkey of themselves on the Kelong.
My first Tamban!

I caught more fishes than my daddy! (Daddy thinking, "yeah yeah..")

My first Tamban too! (bigger than his)

The wave of Tambans came and soon TK and PL also started to get some Tambans on jigs. Their insy bitsy icebox was soon filling up with their own catches. Not bad at all. :)
My first Selar Papan on lure

Not an everyday catch

A shark

Glued to a two letter word. T.V.

Ann with a big Selar

Night came, and I tried to do some squidding. Moving around, I tried a few areas but nothing was biting. Squids didn't seemed to be in season and I didn't have any luck with them this time. I tried luring also, and had a very lucky and only catch of a Selar Papan on my L-minnow. But after that, nothing at all too.
Fish that thot it was a squid

The next morning, I woke up at 4.30am and tried luring again but was unsuccessful. No Parangs, no Barras, no Sotong, no Trevallies for this trip. But my short attempt at squidding again saw a small snapper mouthing the whole jig and being caught by it. A first for me to be catching a fish on squid lure.:o
Waiting for the bite

The girl and the sea. The fish and the pole

Jim and wife. *psst*...he is the real fishing expert here

A big Selar

Buy 1 get 1 free

The morning was quite a pleasant one and TK went around taking some artistic photos. I was to learn that he was quite into Photography. Well, fishing and photography goes very well hand in hand. The Tambans wave came in and soon everyone was jigging tambans and getting huge selars. Eric setup a rig for TK to try catching fish with Tamban meat. More fishes were added to the fish counter and overall, TK family did quite well for a first fishing outing. Even Vera was saying that she caught more than 13 fishes together. Including one very rare catch of a leatherjacket. :)
The Sat group came in early around 8.30am, to avoid the maritime police. Due to that, the Kelong was packed with 2 groups all aboard together. I packed early seeing that there were too many people. After lunch, we again got on the speedboat for a saltwater drenching experience all over again for me.
I like this T-shirt!
"The charm of fishing
is that it is the
pursuit of
what is elusive
but attainable -
a perpetual series
of occasions for
H O P E"

Terrors of the Kelong

Yew can cook/ I definitely can't

Rabbit fish food, other than you know what

"Face your fears. Bring it on!" (about the vegetables)

Change in the Kelong rates :O

With a pailful of reels like this, he meant business

All preparing mentally to get wet

A reward for the Jetty cat. For scratching the maritime police

Reaching the Jetty, I washed up a little and bade Eric's family goodbyes and we made our way back to Singapore. We stopped by Jusco for a tea break, but it was crowded like anything with CNY shoppers. The way back through the custom was very smooth with no jam.
Not a bad trip, despite poor catches for me. And despite the false start of the whole issue with the maritime police. Overall, TK was quite happy with the trip and he should be visiting it again quite soon in the near future. Perhaps during the sotong season in May. :)
Wow, I was thinking going Ah Yew Kelong too. Do they provide van transporation?
Yeah, they do. But of cos, there is a charge.
Call them at +60137212332
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