I was wondering where to fish today when PT suddenly called me out of the blue. He said to try out the H place. But to my knowledge, all entrances to this place had been closed, very much to my disappointment. The few times I had been there, the route was always changing. Going in was like a driving into a labyrinth.
Anyway, we said to try out regardless. PT had been there many times, and may have had a few tricks up his sleeve. Sure enough, as we cruised down Changi coast road, the usual entrances were blocked. But PT rerouted to his special way and lo and behold, we were back in Fishing Wonderland once more.
I was elated at this finding, and definitely want to revisit it, before things changed again. This area had been under construction since god knows when, and was likely to be opened to public very soon. When that happens, it was likely that fishing would be prohibited.
We drove around, with PT aiming to get to his favourite spot. But try as we might, there was no possible route to it, and we frequently ended up in some rocky dead end. Some parts of the road was tough and undulating, and PT car really took a beating. And to make things worse, day light was dimming. Once it got dark, finding the way out would surely be quite challenging.
And indeed this was what happened. We were nearly lost in the sandy maze and couldn't find the way out. So no fishing for us, and even getting out was a problem. By then it was already 7pm, and it was not easy to recognise which way we had come by. But with some good luck, we finally managed to navigate back to a familiar bridge landmark. And from there, we were safe.
By the time we got out, it was already 7.30pm, just nice for a dinner at CV. A and D drove out the car and met us there. We decided then to just go for our familiar Broadwalk place for simple fishing.
PT had been there few days back and had gone back empty handed. Today we all tried out SP, with me on my usual lucky grub. But for some strange reason, nothing was biting at all that day. It might have been the brief rain that made the water cold and fishes moved deeper to the sea. Even on apollo with prawn meat, there were no takers. I felt some light taps, and that was it. PT had the unfortunate incident of losing his favourite lure again.
Seeing no action, we packed at 11.30pm and returned home defeated. Kind of a strange night, and the first for me to return with not even a catfish.
Way in
Interesting canal
We were the first few to drive on this road
It rained a little
Nope, not bumblebee the transformer
Construction everywhere
The new aerospace location?
Some kind of control tower
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