TC called out of the blue to fish at Sembawang YC at night. It sounded interesting as I had never done that before. I didn't know that fishing was allowed there, although I had been there quite a few times for food and drinks. It should be a members only priviledge.
So the time was set to 9pm and we would met there. Reaching there, I had to sign in, and indicate that I would be there for fishing. :). No one was there, and we had the whole place to ourselves. But a few other people came later on, with long rods, and ciggie smokes.
My general feel of the place was quite positive. Tide was high, and I could see many fishes jumping around big patches of rippling in the water. Under the lights, many crabs were swimming across. Being a Jetty, it felt like a sotong place. It was also quite comfortable, as there was a table for working our rigs. A and the children sat there to play games on my phone. When they got bored, the children also used the facilities there, like the playground and the arcade. Toilet was just round the corner. Only problem was, the light was very dim. Luckily, I had my cap light with me. Better than nothing.
So, it took a while longer to setup, as the visibility wasn't very good. I first tried to do some luring with my newly bought pin minnow, hoping to get a lucky strike. But cast here and there, nothing. Caught some plastic bags, and once, stuck on the rope used for mooring. I had to wade into the ramp to ankle deep water to unravel it.
I changed rig after a while and tried to go for squid. Out came my new Yamashita to test water. But trying out a few places, like near the boats, under the jetty, near the platform. All yielded nothing.
Where my squid?
The happy fisherman
My only catch
The one that didn't get away.
TC bountiful catches
I next changed to small hooks as I wanted to see what fishes were those there seem to be abundant at the surface. Finally, when I got one, it turned out to be glass fish. The spot just below the table, seemed to be a nest. TC got his shortly after mine, and he went on to get more than 10. I didn't want to hit anymore glass fish, and change position to test the water. Few bites, but all got away. Strange. In the end, I went back to my squid jig again, but nothing was biting.
TC said he would leave after getting his 10. I also didn't want to continue anymore. It just seemed to be glassfish all the way. Maybe, it was just that the water was quite dirty here. Not a very good spot after all. So, around 11.30pm, we packed and left for home.
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