My fishing skills must be turning bad. Today, thought of doing some easy catches with bread just at the back of my house at Admiralty West. My past trips, I had seen so many mullets and small fishes abound during the rising tide. Today's tide was around 5-6pm, perfect for an late afternoon session.
But not sure if it was the bread, I was using Gardenia white bread. The fishes refused to touch it. Even when I threw a big slab of soft white bread, fishes initially went for it but the moment they got to the floating piece, they turned away. The weapon for them should be small hooks with prawn meat. But no prawn meat with me. No choice then, switch to my texas rig with grub.
But cast and cast, nothing at all. Again, I had a major major birdnest. Since I was quite thin on my lines, I tried very hard to unravel it. I actually tried for an hour later, it was still in a big mess after that long time. Gave up, and finally took the scissors to snip it off.
Around 6+pm, tide water was quite high. And you could actually see loads of small fishes, and some pretty decent size one. But I wasn't quite sure what fishes they were. From the top, kind of Tilapia looking. But this was saltwater. I dragged my grub right in front of them, but totally no interest. *SIGH*
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