A sudden SMS from last week saw me joining a good fishing buddy Pat for a trip in Ah Eng Boat. Ah Eng operates from West Coast and the fishing would be around Tuas area. This would be a first for me to fish in this area.
So the plan was set and we met up and had breakfast at their regular haunt before boarding the boat. For one thing, the dry mee pok here was superb. (unfortunately, I didn't take a pic of it). First time in my life to eat mee pok with Scallop!
After the sumptuous meal, we headed for the Jetty. For one, the way to the Jetty seemed somewhat spooky, having to park at a deserted place, and to trample past an untidy field. But lo and behold, the river appeared before us, and that was where to board onto Ah Eng Boat.
First time fishing got to transfer boat

Ah Eng comfortable boat

Weird looking building here. Right out of a page in a fantasy comic book

Moving out

Eric checking on the boat

At first glance, the tiny boat that was used to ferry us gave me a shock. For a moment, Eric and I thought that the we were to squeeze into the tiny boat for the day's fishing. But it soon became clear that the smaller boat was to ferry us about 10m to another bigger boat.
Boat with a bedding area

Big spacious boat

Nice looking Toilet

Now, the bigger boat was indeed BIG. It was the largest boat that I have ever been on for boat fishing. All the amenities were cool indeed. Got toilet, kitchen and a bedding area. There were ample space for all of us to do our fishing. In fact, 8 of us seemed some what under capacity for the boat size. But I was told that 11 pax (incl the boatman and deckie) was the max.
White Ninja from the Zu Mountain

The weather today was rather kind. It only got a little hot in the afternoon. But I did my Ninja impersonation to protect from the Sun. After a whole day of it in Kusu, I am beginning to look like lobster.
After some refueling, we were headed out to the deep waters of Tuas. Before coming here, Pat instructed that we need to bring a heavier tackle and big weights. The current here would be strong, and the water deep. I took along my Jigwrex and paired it with my Freams. With a heavier weight, I was hoping not to have a repeat of the situation on the last Ah Fong's trip.
Sophiscated Bait Well

Eric with a tough fighting fish on the other end


Ah Eng is the one behind

Eric powerful catch #2

Eric was first with a good fight and up came a Chermin. In fact, that was the only chermin on the trip. In the morning, the fishing was slow. I got some smallies that I didn't even bother to snap pictures. Eric hit on another good fish before noon, and landed a 2+kg grouper. That was huge and would certainly make a good meal.
Jeremy with T-Boon

Ocea Jigger. A reel I want!

Sailing round the world

Bernard with Grouper

Pat with a lagi big Grouper

Perfect day for Kel-Kar-Ying

The others soon start catching some other fishes. One by one, most of them broke their zero.
Ofmer Sable vs Shimano Jigwrex.

Nice Kaci

Beads on the prawns

Giant Prawn!

Pat 2nd Grouper

I was fumbling on my Jigwrex. With the stiffer rod, I couldn't quite place the vibrations that I am getting was due to fish, or rocks or jumping prawns. I did quite a number false strikes, and quite often upon reeling up, I find the prawn missing. All this is very frustrating for me. I also hit some rocks, and lost 3 big sinkers.
Pat did well for this trip too and landed 2 huge groupers in the range of 2+kg after a slow start in the morning. Pat also bursted a rather big catch. Eric and I too had some moments with some huge monsters that couldn't be heaved up to the surface.
I was trying hard the whole afternoon and managed to land a reasonable sized T-Boon (A yellow striped snapper). But my lines were entangled with Eric's and as we took time to unravel our lines, the fish somehow got off the hook. However with the depressurisation, the fish was floating in the water and getting away from us. I try to cast out my weight at it but couldn't find the target. Soon, it drifted out of sight. There went my proper contribution.
Big rain came

Fishing in the rain

Around 4.15pm or so, it started to rain very suddenly. The downpour was so quick and furious that we didn't have time to find proper shelter and most of us got drenched to the skin. I had it particularly bad as my shoes were fully soak making my feet very cold. After that, I didn't have the mood to fish anymore. Furthermore, I thought the fishing window was till 5pm.
But when the rain stopped, all promptly went back to fishing in hope of scoring a last minute catch. Bernard did well in this aspect and landed an around kg grouper. the rest didn't score anything else significant.
Total Catch

Eric beaming at the catches

We reached shore at around 6pm ending a rather good day fishing. Total catch was rather impressive with 12 or so catches. Although I didn't do well for this trip with my "cursed" jigwrex, it was good to see my buddies enjoying the good fishing. Most certainly, I should be seeing Eric going for more boat trips :)