It was a rare occasion for Andrew's family to be out full force with us. Today, the plan to head for the Kelong at Pontian. Andrew was eager to try it after reading the write up on the last recce trip. IZ and Jean too came along for their first try at Pontian. We were to find out that Jean studied here and hence was familiar with the area inside out. Since we were rather early as the tide was to be at around 3pm, we headed for Kukup instead to have a look see.
Reaching the town of Kukup
Quaint town of Kukup with the newly built ferry terminal
There was a chinese storey telling competition going on here
Kukup GSS!
20 years ago, here got lots of fishes
Kukup belongs to Pontian
Being the first time in Kukup, it was a "nose" opener for them. Kukup has a distinct "salty fish" smell to it mixed with all the garbage collecting below the stilts of the buildings. But this is a famous place for seafood and local delicacies. We did some shopping for crackers and tidbits and such, as we are not going to get lunch on the kelong.
Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
Although I planned to bring them to the nearby durian farm, all thought it was best to head straight for the kelong. So from Kukup, in about 40 mins, we arrived at the jetty. I contacted the owners and soon, they came along to meet us.
Tide at that time was really low. The boat had to move slowly in the shallow waters. But once we hit the deeper waters, we zoomed away to the Kelong just ahead of us. Water turned better the further we leave the shore. Reaching there, we found the place to big and spacious. Also, not many people were there.
Yes, we are
I caught this fish!
Renovation going on
Just 15 minutes here, got commotion!
Holy cow! A 2kg or so Kurau!
And into the icebox with the other big fishes *saliva dripping*
Just within 15 minutes, there was a commotion. Someone had gotten something big and his friend was scrambling for the long net. We all ran there to have a look, and I was shocked to see a 2kg+ Kurau in the net. The fishing looked promising indeed. And when the man open the icebox to put the latest catch, we found many other catches inside it. From what we gathered, the group had been there since yesterday.
Andrew also catch sight of a leaping Kurau said to be in the region of 6-7 kilos. We hastily toss out all our bottom fishing lines and kept our fingers crossed. But alas, the fishes never did come.
I am a dedicated bait fish supplier
Extreme fishing (for half beaks)
Finally got it!
I also have! female one
The group left the place around 3pm leaving the entire kelong to us. But despite the incoming tide, there wasn't any bite at all. The only one was when Andrew got a malong eel. It was lost however when we failed to navigate it into the net. Luckily I managed to catch it on video.
We did have some fun though catching the swarms of half beaks and little todaks. Iz and Jean managed to get their very first half beaks.
Quiz time..
Are we there yet?
Hoo...I challenge with you, kor kor. We swing 1 thousand times can?
A Pari left its mark here
The dried up tail
Hmm...looks like "matchbox" car
Pure, simple happiness. I am a bumblebee
We left the place around 5pm and headed for Pontian town for dinner/lunch. Jean wanted to bring us to try the famous Pontian wanton noodles. Unfortunately, upon reaching there, we found it closed. Hence we went to the only mall in Pontian, Billion mall for KFC instead. That was followed by some shopping before we headed back to Singapore via Tuas.
We all agreed that the place was rather promising and vowed to try an overniter one day.
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