This is a very short follow up trip since my last 3 weeks ago. I had "ra ra-ed" all my ex-greendot colleagues in the hope that we could meet up for a gathering. Unfortunately, it was near impossible to get anywhere beyond 7 pax after talking until my saliva dry. Nevertheless, I decided to proceed as there these 6 other friends were truly very enthusiatic about visiting a Kelong.
One happy meal please

At Carrefour Macdonalds

So, it was with high spirts when we met up under my block. As predicted, the Jam started as early as 5.30am. But good thing was that we were early at 5.40, and the Jam wasn't too bad. It took us about 1 hour to clear to the other side, in time for a rendevous with Jean's car at the Carrefour Macdonalds for a early morning happy meal.
View from Lau Pok Chia
The meal kind of delayed the whole procession by quite a bit, and I was getting worried that we might not catch the 9am ferry. But we made good time, and managed to reach the Jetty at 9.15am, with the ferry still around.
Group pic on the rickety boat

Reaching the kelong

Our sleeping quarters

This trip, the timing was rather precise and by 10.15am, we reached the Kelong and started setting up for our fishing adventure. The water looked incredibly clear. There were plenty of fishes and surface activity but current was quite lacking as it was the low tide. But first thing first was to orientate the newbies into how to setup a fishing rod, and various other fishy matters.
Very soon, everyone was trained and abled and started our in the killing fields to show what they were made of. These students were fast learner, and we soon were filling up the icebox with the regular "miss wong" and other various assorted small fishes. Strangely, I didn't see much of Leng chiams this round. Apollo came up with mostly miss wong.
Even with 3 fishes together, Iz's "teck koh" rod also don't bend

I got fish, hee hee hee hee

Yay, my first fish (eric thinking, "mine bigger")

I got special fish (but very ugly)

What fish you want us to catch now?

I want to catch big fish

We like to talk cock in the tree house

Postcard pic

So envy. Someone landed this on live prawns

What fish is this? So big

The afternoon sun came up quite strongly, and some soon started taking shelter and some stop fishing altogether. But came late afternoon, everyone was back to fishing for small fishes with Tamban jigs. About 6pm, we noticed quite a few todaks and setup some floating rigs for the guys. Everyone was very keen on catching a todak. But the lack of small fishes kind of hampered the attempt. And very soon, it got dark, and todaks were no longer interested.
I got a grouper (baby one, released)

My biggest Barracuda. I am so happy

Handsome or not?

I also got

Action! Camera!

Picture! Picture!

We are not peeing hor

Eric's flying fish

Badly taken wedding dinner picture

Result of barracudas that don't behave

Kembong wave is here. Jig jig jig

The experts quickly filling up the tub

Model for sunsilk shampoo

A wave of Kembongs came in, and everyone in the Kelong started jig like mad and were filling up boxes of Kembongs. The timing was quite perfect as it was the high tide and evening. We were not too experience and only managed a pailful, but that was already quite an experience for group.
Night came, and I was quite dampened that Sotongs were not quite out in force. I tried a couple of times with my Yamashita and it didn't work. I changed back to luring and did get quite a lot of bites. But for some reasons no hookups at all. Even with my L-minnow changed to Stinger hooks, I didn't manage even one.
Got you

I now proclaim this lumi lure as my favourite!

I was kind of tired, and went to bed early around 11.30pm. Thinking to wake up at 5am to continue fishing, I overslept and woke up at 6am instead. With the little dusk period, I lured and tried out my lumi lure, SS minnow. And to my expectation, the lumi lure was excellant and I got many hits. I finally landed one about 10 minutes later, and in my excitement, I woke up Eric and Iz to have a look.
Hee hee hee hee. Hee hee hee hee

I caught this Parang myself!

Sibu sunrise

Sunrise view from Iz's cam

I definitely got more than 3-4 fish for this trip

I finally got you!

What Mr todak can do to your face

My "disposable" t-shirt

Me and my "Brokeback" Mountain rod

Everyone stirred and starting fishing at the golden hour. Fishes were definitely plentiful. Soon after, I landed another Parang though a smaller one. Eric was quite fuzzed that he wasn't getting big fish. To his credit, he threw out a small live fish on apollo hooks. And to his great surprise, he got a bite, and out came a Parang. I was totally impressed too to see that worked as well. He was overjoyed with this catch, as it was indeed quite special.
Everyone next started to jig live bait for targetting todaks. And indeed it worked that morning, as Mr Todaks were really around the kelongs. Live baits thrown out were quite guaranteed a bite within 5 minutes. After more lost attempts, Eric finally got the hang of it and landed a Todak. He was now in seventh clouds and could not contain his glee.
Where my todak? Sianz...

Yu hong, the fish fighter

Wah! I got a fish!

Justin and Danny finally got a Todak!


Justin and Danny decided to give it a shot, and not long after, Justin too landed a Todak. It was a proud moment. Yu Hong also gave it a try, and after one lost attempt, she too land a Todak entirely on her own. Everyone was maxing out their "biggest" fish score for this trip.
Finally, a Todak on the last fishing hour

This called for a group shot

Next time, I want this photo to be hanging in our bedroom, dear

Group shot to celebrate Isaac first todak

Isaac's 2nd todak gotten by foul hook

IZ's foul hooked todak

IZ tried very hard, but somehow always lost the fish during the fight. Seeing his disappointed look, I moved in to help. I attributed it to his "cannot make it" grandfather rod. I instructed him to use my black rose. The time now was like 10am, and we needed to pack by 11am. He had one more hour to overturn his todakless fishing career. And lo and behold, indeed he did manage one. He was ecstatic and went on to get another todak. This time round, Mr Todak was foul hooked on his body. Wow.
Commotion. Someone got a big one

Biggie ran into the stilts and was lost

I got you!

Remora thinking, "I surrender"

Big rabbit fish wor

Danny super long distance cast

2nd remora

He got a biggie

Looks small here, but actually about 3 ft long Barracuda

The girls were at the other end doing some jigging. Someone caught a barracuda and I saw the commotion when we were there for breakfast. But alas, the helper didn't manage to gaff the barra, and the lines snapped. Another time, there was another big catch. I didn't have a good look at it and it look roundish and silvery. I thought it was a Queen, but the helpers didn't think so as Queens don't run into the Kelong. The fish was lost when it navigated into the kelong and the line broke. It certainly was a full of action trip.

Danny was the last yet to get a todak and everyone was rooting for him. And like last 5 minutes before we were supposed to pack, he did get one. With our guidance, he guided the todak under the kelong and with a swing, the todak swung up to our level. But to our dismay, the line snapped about 1 second away from the Kelong floor and todak dropped into the water and out of sight. Everyone went AH! It was just too bad.
Group pic with total catch
Total catch
Rare catch of a coral trout
So after lunch, we packed and headed for the Jetty. The rest of the way back was quite uneventful. Everyone parted happily and well satisfied at a very decent trip. The Jam at the custom wasn't too bad, and I cleared it like in half hour.
It was a very fruitful trip, that even for us newbies, we came back with a icebox full load of fishes. In all my trips here, this was certainly one of the best in terms of the fishing, even though I didn't hit on any big ones. Judging from everyone's tired and happy face, it was a meaningful trip all in all.