This morning, Gary needed to service his car at Yishun industrial park. He offered to give me a lift to simpang kiri and to pick me up for Semb fish soup with the gang later. I tried the water at the park connector start point but it was a totally bad choice. Water there was quite low and dirty. Could see many small fishes, but nothing interesting. Fishes there wouldn't touch the bread at all. (Bread was the kind bought from aquarium shop that you would use for feeding goldfishes) After his servicing (about half hour), I asked Gary to send me to the connector end. (the usual spot), as he would need to return home to pick wifey. The spot there was so much better, with high water level and better water. Lots of small fishes swimming around. Tossed the bread in and in a jiffy, could see them nibbling the bread. I setup a sabiki tied to a float. First time trying fishing with bread. Problem with bread was that it would drop easily. Not easy at all to hook the fishes as the mouths were very small. But I had a stroke of good luck, and got my very first half beak. I was so happy that I shouted out to A and D. Definitely a break from the spell of bad luck.

I setup my other Rapala rod on a size 6 paternoster. Again, baited it with bread. But the problem is that it would sink to the bottom where the fishes wouldn't touch. And also, the force of the weight pushing the bread down would dislodge the bread easily. I tried putting the line nearer to the edge so that the bread would be higher in the water column. It worked and soon I had lots of milkfishes nibbling on it. One strike during one frenzy moment and I managed to foul hooked one. Looked like size 6 was still too much for these fishes. But I was happy, again my very first mullet on bread (orh her). If my skills were good, I would think that I should be able to get a whole bag full. This place certainly had lots of it.

During our fish soup session, the guys suggested to blade. Well, simpang kiri was a good place. So, we would head back that afternoon. I brought along my rod again, just in case. Turned out that last minute, they cancelled the session. Well, I was already there. The tide was at the lowest and I could see the bottom of the canel. But the water was on the upturn. Gradually as the water filled up, I did a little more fishing, this time with sunshine white bread. With the low tide, it seemed that I was catching quite a few cat fishes. That afternoon, I got about 4 catfishes (1 about a foot long), lost 1 mullet and got another mullet. My mullet catching skills were certainly improving.